Customer Testimonials

“We have tried for several years to maintain our corporate office computers and network by hiring someone to do the work in their spare time. This resulted in our IT tech coming in after hours, and not having the resources to fix all our computer problems. We contracted with PacketBlast this year and have been extremely satisfied with the results. PacketBlast responds quickly to our requests, and is thorough in their work. We have been able to outsource our networking and computer repairs. Thanks to PacketBlast, we can focus on running the business, rather than fixing the computers.”
Daniel Pugmire -Partyland 

“Packetblast has saved my firm from IT disaster on multiple occasions! When we’ve had emergencies, they are there to resolve them. Their pricing is fair and we are pleased with their work, and recommend them to others.”
Chris Keen -Keen Law Firm

“Our assistant manager, Judy, at our Store in Aspen, Colorado, called me yesterday morning about having trouble and issues with her computer at her store. They had a power outage, which affected their hardware, as well as there access to our server over here in Utah. A Qwest technician went to the location to get their DSL working, and he also tried to get them working with the server. He could not fix it. Judy said that after she called you, you worked with her promptly, found out the issues, and fixed all her issues within the hour, remotely. When she called me, she said that of all the computer people she has ever worked with, you were the easiest to work with, and also knew what you were doing. I hope you are aware, when we have computer needs, we will be calling you to do the work for us. You proved your worth, continued care, honesty, and knowledge. Stein Eriksen, Inc., finally found someone who does what they say, when it comes to computers, when they found Packetblast.”
Marshall Stevens -Stein Eriksen Inc

“PacketBlast has been great to work with. They have been very helpful in creating an outstanding website that is functional and informative. They were able to accommodate our needs and wants in developing our custom website and they took care of us in a very timely manner in order to meet the Parade of Homes deadline. We have enjoyed working with them! “
Silvercreek Development LLC